t/A<arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncationinvalid database keyfile %s is not a valid database.invalid database handle (no active connection)+bad parameters on attach or create database%unrecognized database parameter blockinvalid request handleinvalid BLOB handle invalid BLOB ID 0invalid parameter in transaction parameter block .invalid format for transaction parameter block Ainvalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start) ,internal gds software consistency check (%s)!conversion error from string "%s""database file appears corrupt (%s)deadlock+attempt to start more than %ld transactions#no match for first value expression3information type inappropriate for object specified:no information of this type available for object specifiedunknown information item<action cancelled by trigger (%ld) to preserve data integrity!invalid request BLR at offset %ldI/O error for file %.0s"%s"$lock conflict on no wait transactioncorrupt system table*validation error for column %s, value "%s"ed%no current record for fetch operationequVattempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "%s"ra4program attempted to exit without finishing databaseunsuccessful metadata update $no permission for %s access to %s %s!transaction is not in limbos"invalid database key#BLOB was not closedr$metadata is obsolete%>cannot disconnect database with open transactions (%ld active) s&4message length error (encountered %ld, expected %ld)'$attempted update of read-only column(#attempted update of read-only tablei)-attempted update during read-only transactiond*cannot update read-only view %s+no transaction for requestr ,request synchronization error-*request referenced an unavailable databasero.+segment buffer length shorter than expectedt//attempted retrieval of more segments than existi0%attempted invalid operation on a BLOBo c1"attempted read of a new, open BLOB2,attempted action on blob outside transaction3!attempted write to read-only BLOB43attempted reference to BLOB in unavailable database5$operating system directive %s failed68attempt to fetch past the last record in a record stream7unavailable database88table %s was omitted from the transaction reserving list9Frequest includes a DSRI extension not supported in this implementatione :feature is not supported;Aunsupported on-disk structure for file %s; found %ld, support %ld up<!wrong number of arguments on call up=Implementation limit exceeded>%s?1unrecoverable conflict with limbo transaction %ldron@internal errorAinternal errorunBtoo many requestsCinternal errorshD-block size exceeds implementation restrictionre Ebuffer exhaustedF<BLR syntax error: expected %s at offset %ld, encountered %ldG buffer in useHinternal errorn Irequest in useonJ)incompatible version of on-disk structureKtable %s is not defineduL$column %s is not defined in table %sMinternal errorNinternal errorasOinternal error rPinternal erroravQinternal errorRinternal errorroS3page %ld is of wrong type (expected %ld, found %ld)DTdatabase corruptedd U#checksum error on database page %ldnVindex is brokenuWdatabase handle not zeroXtransaction handle not zeroY5transaction--request mismatch (synchronization error)n lZbad handle count[,wrong version of transaction parameter block\7unsupported BLR version (expected %ld, encountered %ld)])wrong version of database parameter block^<BLOB and array data types are not supported for %s operation_database corruptedio`internal errorauainternal error ebtransaction in limboctransaction not in limbodtransaction outstandingre'connection rejected by remote interfaceefinternal errorruginternal error%shno lock manager available isi"context already in use (BLR error)rrjcontext not defined (BLR error)ekdata operation not supportedlundefined message numbermbad parameter numbern/unable to allocate memory from operating systemo!blocking signal has been receivedr oplock manager errorq%communication error with journal "%s"eror:key size exceeds implementation restriction for index "%s"issnull segment of UNIQUE KEYtSQL error code = %lduwrong DYN versionvfunction %s is not definedxpw function %s could not be matchedxy%database detach completed with errorsandz(database system cannot read argument %ld{)database system cannot write argument %lderr|operation not supported}%s extension error~ not updatablen lno rollback performedand%sec'update conflicts with concurrent updateuproduct %s is not licensed lobject %s is in use 0filter not found to convert type %ld to type %ld cannot attach active shadow file0invalid slice description language at offset %ldsubscript out of boundsFcolumn not array or invalid dimensions (expected %ld, encountered %ld)en-record from transaction %ld is stuck in limbonic*a file in manual shadow %ld is unavailablexc6secondary server attachments cannot validate databaseseg4secondary server attachments cannot start journalinggenerator %s is not defined1secondary server attachments cannot start loggingoulinvalid BLOB type for operatione6violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "%s" on table "%s" r-minor version too high found %ld expected %ldargtransaction %ld is %s no'transaction marked invalid by I/O error!cache buffer for page %ld invalidrme(there is no index in table %s with id %dhYour user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.invalid bookmark handle invalid lock level %d ac-lock on table %s conflicts with existing lockgua2requested record lock conflicts with existing locklu'maximum indexes per table (%d) exceededd7enable journal for database before starting online dumpkonline dump failure. Retry dumpa%an online dump is already in progressver5no more disk/tape space. Cannot continue online dumpver7journaling allowed only if database has Write-ahead Log?maximum number of online dump files that can be specified is 16a5error in opening Write-ahead Log file during recoveryconinvalid statement handle!Write-ahead log subsystem failurecteWAL Writer errorLog file header of %s too smallkInvalid version of log file %sbu;Log file %s not latest in the chain but open flag still setiBLog file %s not closed properly; database recovery may be requiredba-Database name in the log file %s is differentnva+Unexpected end of log file %s at offset %ldc2Incomplete log record at offset %ld in log file %s8Log record header too small at offset %ld in log file %s0Log block too small at offset %ld in log file %s@Illegal attempt to attach to an uninitialized WAL segment for %s%Invalid WAL parameter block option %sead(Cannot roll over to the next log file %s%database does not use Write-ahead Logali/cannot drop log file when journaling is enabled"reference to invalid stream numbers WAL subsystem encountered erroroWAL subsystem corruptedlbmust specify archive file when enabling long term journal for databases with round-robin log filesL database %s shutdown in progress'refresh range number %ld already in use "refresh range number %ld not foundchCHARACTER SET %s is not defined !lock time-out on wait transactionoveprocedure %s is not definede#parameter mismatch for procedure %s-Database %s: WAL subsystem bug for pid %d\ %s0Could not expand the WAL segment for database %sstatus code %s unknownl exception %s not defined exception %drestart shared cache managerinvalid lock handlec$long-term journaling already enabled,Unable to roll over please see Firebird log.(WAL I/O error. Please see Firebird log.JWAL writer - Journal server communication error. Please see Firebird log.:WAL buffers cannot be increased. Please see Firebird log.en*WAL setup error. Please see Firebird log.4WAL writer synchronization error for the database %s+Cannot start WAL writer for the database %sdatabase %s shutdownNcannot modify an existing user privilege otNCannot delete PRIMARY KEY being used in FOREIGN KEY definition. io9Column used in a PRIMARY KEY constraint must be NOT NULL.h f@Name of Referential Constraint not defined in constraints table.=Non-existent PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY specified for FOREIGN KEY.s c0Cannot update constraints (RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS).2Cannot update constraints (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS).va<Cannot delete CHECK constraint entry (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS);Cannot delete index segment used by an Integrity Constraint ;Cannot update index segment used by an Integrity Constraint3Cannot delete index used by an Integrity Constraintr3Cannot modify index used by an Integrity Constraint0Cannot delete trigger used by a CHECK Constraint0Cannot update trigger used by a CHECK Constraint;Cannot delete column being used in an Integrity Constraint.p;Cannot rename column being used in an Integrity Constraint.t5Cannot update constraints (RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS). "Cannot define constraints on viewsonEinternal gds software consistency check (invalid RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE)d i9Attempt to define a second PRIMARY KEY for the same tableeciNcannot modify or erase a system trigger 0only the owner of a table may reassign ownership(could not find table/procedure for GRANTcould not find column for GRANTnNuser does not have GRANT privileges for operation y 2table/procedure has non-SQL security class defined)column has non-SQL security class definedCon>Write-ahead Log without shared cache configuration not alloweddatabase shutdown unsuccessfulEC:Operation violates CHECK constraint %s on view or table %sntinvalid service handleei"database %s shutdown in %d seconds(wrong version of service parameter block$unrecognized service parameter blockservice %s is not defined long-term journaling not enabled5Cannot transliterate character between character setsCON0WAL defined; Cache Manager must be started first7Overflow log specification required for round-robin logs.Implementation of text subtype %d not located.Dynamic SQL ErrorablInvalid commandpData type for constant unknown fCursor unknownnoData type unknownDeclared cursor already existss Cursor not updatable Attempt to reopen an open cursor"Attempt to reclose a closed cursorColumn unknown-SInternal errorne Table unknownad Procedure unknownconRequest unknownISQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variablesnt :Count of read-write columns does not equal count of valuesta Invalid statement handle Function unknown Column is not a BLOB COLLATION %s is not definedb 5COLLATION %s is not valid for specified CHARACTER SETrnaOption specified more than onceeUnknown transaction optionetInvalid array referenceM'Array declared with too many dimensionsgIllegal array dimension rangein Trigger unknowni!Subselect illegal in this context1Cannot prepare a CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA statementtyp3must specify column name for view select expressiona,number of columns does not match select list=Only simple column names permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONsor*No WHERE clause for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION1Only one table allowed for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONablBDISTINCT, GROUP or HAVING not permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONLD3FOREIGN KEY column count does not match PRIMARY KEY 2No subqueries permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTIONqu#expression evaluation not supportedngen.c: node not supported Unexpected end of commandOLL!INDEX %s" EXCEPTION %s# COLUMN %sali$ Token unknownCTE%union not supportedi&Unsupported DSQL constructn 'column used with aggregated (invalid column reference)invalid ORDER BY clauseg*3Return mode by value not allowed for this data typen+7 External functions cannot have more than 10 parametersp,6alias %s conflicts with an alias in the same statementfy-9alias %s conflicts with a procedure in the same statement do.5alias %s conflicts with a table in the same statementitt/Illegal use of keyword VALUE0'segment count of 0 defined for index %s1KA node name is not permitted in a secondary, shadow, cache or log file name 2TABLE %s3 PROCEDURE %s4cannot create index %sN 58Write-ahead Log with shadowing configuration not allowed6there are %ld dependenciesTI7"too many keys defined for index %sor8NPreceding file did not specify length, so %s must include starting page numberDE9(Shadow number must be a positive integer:"Token unknown - line %ld, char %ldor;7there is no alias or table named %s at this scope levelh<!there is no index %s for table %snce="table %s is not referenced in plantu>Itable %s is referenced more than once in plan; use aliases to distinguisht h?8table %s is referenced in the plan but not the from list@'Invalid use of CHARACTER SET or COLLATEnA3Specified domain or source column %s does not existaB-index %s cannot be used in the specified planC>the table %s is referenced twice; use aliases to differentiateD-illegal operation when at beginning of streamshaE"the current position is on a crack%sFdatabase or file existsnG.invalid comparison operator for find operationwiHConnection lost to pipe servererI bad checksumJwrong page typeyKGCannot insert because the file is readonly or is on a read only medium.sL!multiple rows in singleton selecthadM"cannot attach to password databaseN.cannot start transaction for password databaseo O$invalid direction for find operationP6variable %s conflicts with parameter in same procedures Q4Array/BLOB/DATE data types not allowed in arithmeticR2%s is not a valid base table of the specified viewblSAtable %s is referenced twice in view; use an alias to distinguishf CT@view %s has more than one base table; use aliases to distinguishU*cannot add index, index root page is full. sVBLOB SUB_TYPE %s is not defined W2Too many concurrent executions of the same requestX-duplicate specification of %s - not supportedshaY@violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "%s" on table "%s"Z=server version too old to support all CREATE DATABASE optionsonn[#drop database completed with errorsc\'procedure %s does not return any valuesr]3count of column list and variable list do not matchs^(attempt to index BLOB column in index %s_)attempt to index array column in index %sann`?too few key columns found for index %s (incorrect column name?)oa cannot deleteb(last column in a table cannot be deletedc sort errorradsort error: not enough memory aretoo many versions a finvalid key positiong+segments not allowed in expression index %s h(sort error: corruption in data structurei'new record size of %ld bytes is too bigoj&Inappropriate self-reference of columnotk/request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?) l"cannot access column %s in view %sm)dbkey not available for multi-table viewsrtenjournal file wrong formator ointermediate journal file fulls"pHThe prepare statement identifies a prepare statement with an open cursorqFirebird errord rCache redefinedcs1Insufficient memory to allocate page buffer cachemn t Log redefinedt duLog size too smallt vLog partition size too smallw<Partitions not supported in series of log file specificationx3Total length of a partitioned log must be specifiedyPrecision must be from 1 to 18 az(Scale must be between zero and precision{Short integer expectedor|Long integer expected a }Unsigned short integer expectedm~Invalid ESCAPE sequencei1service %s does not have an associated executableFailed to locate host machine.o Undefined service %s/%s.KThe specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name Services.Duser does not have GRANT privileges on base table/view for operationAmbiguous column reference.uInvalid aggregate reference Gnavigational stream %ld references a view with more than one base tabler7Attempt to execute an unprepared dynamic SQL statement.cPositive value expected'Incorrect values within SQLDA structureinvalid blob idt2Operation not supported for EXTERNAL FILE table %sfiService is currently busy: %sof 1stack size insufficent to execute current requestt bInvalid key for find operationbe(Error initializing the network software.#Unable to load required library %s.0Unable to complete network request to host "%s".!Failed to establish a connection.ave1Error while listening for an incoming connection. ma@Failed to establish a secondary connection for event processing.?Error while listening for an incoming event connection request.'Error reading data from the connection.b%Error writing data to the connection. co7Cannot deactivate index used by an Integrity ConstraintiCannot deactivate primary indexi3Client/Server Express not supported in this releasen5Access to databases on file servers is not supported.!Error while trying to create fileError while trying to open fileo Error while trying to close file$Error while trying to read from file#Error while trying to write to filen!Error while trying to delete fileope!Error while trying to access filetwoKA fatal exception occurred during the execution of a user defined function.nconnection lost to database(User cannot write to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGEStoken size exceeds limitBMaximum user count exceeded. Contact your database administrator.tYour login %s is same as one of the SQL role name. Ask your database administrator to set up a valid Firebird login.N"REFERENCES table" without "(column)" requires PRIMARY KEY on referenced tableie>The username entered is too long. Maximum length is 31 bytes. t?The password specified is too long. Maximum length is 8 bytes.i*A username is required for this operation.op)A password is required for this operation)The network protocol specified is invalidrro8A duplicate user name was found in the security database>The user name specified was not found in the security databasel 3An error occurred while attempting to add the user.u=An error occurred while attempting to modify the user record. to=An error occurred while attempting to delete the user record.ser7An error occurred while updating the security database.s(sort record size of %ld bytes is too big;can not define a not null column with NULL as default value invalid clause --- '%s'p!too many open handles to databaseES  size of optimizer block exceeded/a string constant is delimited by double quotesd!DATE must be changed to TIMESTAMP. t&attempted update on read-only databaseax0SQL dialect %s is not supported in this databaseAA fatal exception occurred during the execution of a blob filter.]Access violation. The code attempted to access a virtual address without privilege to do so.ty hDatatype misalignment. The attempted to read or write a value that was not stored on a memory boundary.\Array bounds exceeded. The code attempted to access an array element that is out of bounds.mFloat denormal operand. One of the floating-point operands is too small to represent a standard float value.sec\Floating-point divide by zero. The code attempted to divide a floating-point value by zero.uFloating-point inexact result. The result of a floating-point operation cannot be represented as a deciaml fraction.dlecFloating-point invalid operand. An indeterminant error occurred during a floating-point operation.okFloating-point overflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is greater than the magnitude allowed. mFloating-point stack check. The stack overflowed or underflowed as the result of a floating-point operation.iFloating-point underflow. The exponent of a floating-point operation is less than the magnitude allowed.miseInteger divide by zero. The code attempted to divide an integer value by an integer divisor of zero.ndsmInteger overflow. The result of an integer operation caused the most significant bit of the result to carry.of MAn exception occurred that does not have a description. Exception number %X.iStack overflow. The resource requirements of the runtime stack have exceeded the memory available to it.LSegmentation Fault. The code attempted to access memory without priviledges.HIllegal Instruction. The Code attempted to perfrom an illegal operation..Bus Error. The Code caused a system bus error.-p\Floating Point Error. The Code caused an Arithmetic Exception or a floating point exception.'Cannot delete rows from external files.g%Cannot update rows in external files.undPUnable to perform operation. You must be either SYSDBA or owner of the database7Specified EXTRACT part does not exist in input datatypembService %s requires SYSDBA permissions. Reattach to the Service Manager using the SYSDBA account.ntEThe file %s is currently in use by another process. Try again later.per!Cannot attach to services managertheOMetadata update statement is not allowed by the current database SQL dialect %dcoperation was cancelledc7unexpected item in service parameter block, expected %s?Client SQL dialect %d does not support reference to %s datatype Kuser name and password are required while attaching to the services managerpgYou created an indirect dependency on uncommitted metadata. You must roll back the current transaction.n#The service name was not specified.xEToo many Contexts of Relation/Procedure/Views. Maximum allowed is 127 ro&data type not supported for arithmeticor*Database dialect being changed from 3 to 1f Database dialect not changed. paUnable to create database %s+Database dialect %d is not a valid dialect.aValid database dialects are %s.SSQL warning code = %ldle&DATE data type is now called TIMESTAMPrySFunction %s is in %s, which is not in a permitted directory for external functions.n'value exceeds the range for valid datesa0passed client dialect %d is not a valid dialect.Valid client dialects are %s.6Unsupported field type specified in BETWEEN predicate. dKServices functionality will be supported in a later version of the product  GENERATOR %sUDF %sir<Invalid parameter to FIRST. Only integers >= 0 are allowed.;Invalid parameter to SKIP. Only integers >= 0 are allowed.fFile exceeded maximum size of 2GB. Add another database file or use a 64 bit I/O version of Firebird.it<Unable to find savepoint with name %s in transaction context-Invalid column position used in the %s clauseateFCannot use an aggregate function in a WHERE clause, use HAVING insteadda5Cannot use an aggregate function in a GROUP BY clausecInvalid expression in the %s (not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause) ^Invalid expression in the %s (neither an aggregate function nor a part of the GROUP BY clause)%d*Nested aggregate functions are not allowed@Invalid argument in EXECUTE STATEMENT - cannot convert to string,Wrong request type in EXECUTE STATEMENT '%s'^Variable type (position %d) in EXECUTE STATEMENT '%s' INTO does not match returned column typein.Too many recursion levels of EXECUTE STATEMENTKI3Access to %s "%s" is denied by server administratora' expected typedd 'bad block typeor'bad block sizeio' corrupt pool' bad pool IDs'memory exhausted'set option not implementedd 'show option not implementeds'show_fields: dtype not done ' INTERNAL: %s'"** QLI error from database "%s" ** u'** QLI error from database **Y c'** QLI error: %s **r'expected %s, encountered "%s"the'integer overflow'integer division by zero 'floating overflow trapne!'floating division by zero pa"'floating underflow trap#'floating overflow faulta$'floating underflow fault%'arithmetic exception&'-illegal instruction or address, recovering...t c''7Please retry, supplying an application script file name (')Welcome to QLI Query Language InterpreterE S)'qli version %ss *' Statistics for database "%s" %s+'HSH_remove failed of,'EVAL_boolean: not finished t-'EVAL_value: not finished.'&data type not supported for arithmeticd /'*user name is supported in RSEs temporarilyt 0'Input value is too long1'EXEC_execute: not implementedt i2'print_blob: expected field nodel3'#output pipe is not supported on VMS 4'could not create pipe* Q5' fdopen failede "6'execution terminated by signalba7'field validation error%s8'#Request terminated by statement: %se9'Request terminated by statement :'Cannot open output file "%s";'Could not run "%s"ng<'comparison not done='conversion not implementedoa>'conversion not implementedng?'MOVQ_move: conversion not done@' BLOB conversion is not supportedA'conversion errorB'conversion errorC'conversion errorD'conversion errorE'conversion errorF'conversion errorG' BLOB conversion is not supportedH'$Error converting string "%s" to dateI'overflow during conversionJ'gds_$put_segment failedK' fseek failedL'unterminated quoted stringerM'could not open scratch fileiN' fseek failedO'unterminated quoted stringteP'+unexpected end of procedure in procedure %seQ'!unexpected end of file in file %stedR'unexpected eofnoS'cannot open command file "%s"e "T'#PIC_edit: class not yet implementedU'conversion errorV'procedure "%s" is undefinedtW'*procedure "%s" is undefined in database %st X'procedure "%s" is undefined"Y')Could not create QLI$PROCEDURE_NAME fieldt dZ'$Could not create QLI$PROCEDURE field['%Could not create QLI$PROCEDURES table\')procedure name "%s" in use in database %sonv]'database handle required^'BQLI$PROCEDURES table must be created with RDO in Rdb/VMS databasesor_'!procedure name over 31 charactersers`' [%ld topics matched %s]a' %sSub-topics available:b' No help is available for %s %sc'! Sub-topics available for %s are: fad'8Procedures can not be renamed across databases. Try COPYe'%Procedure %s not found in database %sminf'!substitute prompt string too longd og'!substitute prompt string too longecth'%Procedure %s not found in database %sd ei'%Procedure %s not found in database %s'j'No security classes definednk'! Security class %s is not defineddurl' No views definedm' No indexes defined n' No indexes definedco' No databases are currently readyp'"Procedure %s in database "%s" (%s)q'text, length %ldr'varying text, length %lds' null terminated text, length %ldt' short binaryu' long binaryav'quadw'short floatingx' long floatingequy'BLOBz', segment length %lu{' , subtype %s|' , subtype BLR'}' , subtype ACLer ~'date' , scale %ldo', subtype fixed'Database "%s" readied as %s ' Database "%s" %s' No databases are currently ready'> Page size is %ld bytes. Current allocation is %ld pages. PY'&Field %s does not exist in database %sin',Field %s does not exist in any open database' (computed expression)on'*There are no forms defined for database %s e'/There are no forms defined in any open database'-Global field %s does not exist in database %ss i'3Global field %s does not exist in any open databasee'+There are no fields defined for database %sd'0There are no fields defined in any open database'%Procedure %s not found in database %s'Procedure %s not found'!Procedures in database "%s" (%s):'$No triggers are defined for table %s'&No triggers are defined in database %sOB'&No triggers are defined in database %s%s' Variables:BL' QLI, version "%s"'' Version(s) for database "%s"'&expand_expression: not yet implementeds '%expand_statement: not yet implementedare')variables may not be based on BLOB fieldss. '.cannot perform assignment to computed field %soe'no context for ERASE'cannot erase from a join'5%s.* cannot be used when a single element is requiredher'("%s" is undefined or used out of context'no default form name'No database for form %sb''form %s is not defined in database "%s"'$no context for form ACCEPT statement'"field %s is not defined in form %sfi'no context for modifyher'field list required for modifyta'No items in print listou'No items in print listoc'invalid ORDER BY ordinal';asterisk expressions require exactly one qualifying context 'unrecognized context'Ifield referenced in BASED ON cannot be resolved against readied databasesver'$expected statement, encountered "%s"'#Expected PROCEDURE encountered "%s"i'period in qualified name'no databases are ready' BLOB variables are not supported'end of statement'end of commandom'quoted edit string c'variable definition clausese'%s is not a database' %s is not a table in database %s'variable data typede'=no data type may be specified for a variable based on a fieldtab'object type for DEFINEs ' table nameda'comma between field definitions 'FROM'table or view namet '[n f']''No statements issued yet'ON or TO'quoted edit string'column definition clause'.global fields may not be based on other fieldsal'!field name or asterisk expression'FROM RSE clauses'commaexa'quoted header segment''left parenthesis'&comma or terminating right parenthesis r'left parenthesis'VALUES list or SELECT clause'6the number of values do not match the number of fields"i'value expression'right parenthesisses' quoted stringLOB' ENTREE or ENDppo' quoted stringate'index state optionom' table namet 'ADD, MODIFY, or DROP'comma between field definitionsa' identifierno'positive numbers'FORM'period in qualified table nameay' %s is not a table in database %s'$database file name required on READY'EXISTS (SELECT * )e'relational operator'a database has not been readied''expected "table_name", encountered "%s"t' table name' PROCEDUREtri' TOP or BOTTOMfin'report writer SET option' report itemo' set option'RELATIONS or TRIGGERS' table namela' database name'' table namese' database namepar' table namemm' database namet p' table name' table name' FROM clauseS'AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM, or COUNT' COUNT (*) th'left parenthesis'OFex'database handlea'SETs'$database block not found for removal'show_fields: dtype not done'global field %s already existst ' Cannot define an index in a view'Index %s already exists'$Column %s does not occur in table %s'Table %s already existsf'.Field %s is in use in the following relations:%s'#Field %s is in use in database "%s"Y((Field %s is not defined in database "%s"((Index %s is not defined in database "%s"(metadata operation failedame( no active database for operation(5Interactive metadata updates are not available on Rdbite(global field %s is not defined(&Index %s does not exist in database %s(field %s does not exista( no active database for operation (5Interactive metadata updates are not available on Rdb' (Unlicensed for database "%s" (&Field %s already exists in relation %s, (#data type cannot be changed locallyr (global field %s does not existan(!field %s not found in relation %st f(0Data type conflict with existing global field %s(#No data type specified for field %s(database info call failed'("do not understand BLR operator %ld %(&Operation unlicensed for database "%s"lr(" Security class for database %sth( Database description:iel( Database description:(( File: %s starting at page %lde ( Field %s in %s %s of database %s( Global field %sa( Field description: a( Datatype information:( Field is computed from:t( Field validation:lob( Security class %s(( Query name: %s ( Query name: %s!( Edit string: %s"( Edit string: %s#( Query header:nte$(Global field %s in database %sab%( Field description: f&( Datatype information:alr'( Field is computed from:(( Field validation:oca)( Query name: %s *( Edit string: %s+( Query header:n %,(2 %s is not used in any relations in database %s%s-(Forms in database %s.(Global fields for database %s:ca/( Field description:er0( Index %s%s1(" index %s is NOT activelr2( Index %s%s f3( Description:4( Security class %s(5( Stored in external file %s6(4OBSOLETE - An erase trigger is defined for %s7(4OBSOLETE - A modify trigger is defined for %s8(3OBSOLETE - A store trigger is defined for %s 9($ Security classes for database %s:($OBSOLETE - Triggers for relation %s:;(JOBSOLETE - Source for the erase trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:te<(,OBSOLETE - Erase trigger for relation %s:=(KOBSOLETE - Source for the modify trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:e>(-OBSOLETE - Modify trigger for relation %s:uer?(JOBSOLETE - Source for the store trigger is not available. Trigger BLR: i@(,OBSOLETE - Store trigger for relation %s:A('OBSOLETE - Triggers for relation %s:aB(JOBSOLETE - Source for the erase trigger is not available. Trigger BLR: C(,OBSOLETE - Erase trigger for relation %s:D(KOBSOLETE - Source for the modify trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:iE(-OBSOLETE - Modify trigger for relation %s:e tF(JOBSOLETE - Source for the store trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:%sG(,OBSOLETE - Store trigger for relation %s:H(= View source for relation %s is not available. View BLR:- TI(& Relation %s is a view defined as:: J(Views in database %s:K( %s comprised of :forL(Views in database %s:ilaM( %s comprised of:N(BLOBO(, segment length %ldP(, subtype text Q( , subtype BLRfy R( , subtype ACLbleS( , subtype %ldT(text, length %ldU(varying text, length %ldV( null terminated text, length %ldW( short binaryX( long binaryY(quadword binary Z(short floatings:[( long floating Tr\(date]( , scale %ld^(, subtype fixedr_(/ Global field %s is used in database %s as :`( %s in relation %siga( Field %s in %s %s of database %sb( Global field %sgc( Field description: Bd( Datatype informatione( Field is computed from:f( Field validation:stog( Query name: %s.h( Query name: %sOi( Query header:or j( Edit string: %sk( Edit string: %sot l(%s Based on field %s of %s%sm( %sBase field description for %s:n( END PROCEDUREo(&Do you want to roll back your updates?inp($gen_descriptor: dtype not recognizedq(gen_expression: not understoodldr("gen_statement: not yet implementedBLs(gen_statistical: not understoodut("EDIT argument must be a BLOB fieldu(/relations from multiple databases in single RSEev("cannot find database for BLOB editinw('compile_expression: not yet implementedix('not yet implemented (compile_statement)y(computable: not yet implementedz($make_descriptor: not yet implemented{(missing messager|( lost message}(Triggers for relation %s:(~( %s %s, Sequence %ld, %s ( Pre-store: B( Post-storepe( Pre-modify( Post-modifye( Pre-erase ( Post-eraseto(Activeer(Inactive( Description:%sO( Source for the trigger:(7 Source for the trigger is not available. Trigger BLR:(No system triggers are definedBa(System Trigger for relation %s($ Triggers defined for this relation:(Trigger for relation %s:( TOP or BOTTOM( sort fieldt (Too many WITHsn_(* Shadow %ld, File: %s starting at page %ldti(DATABASE, TABLE, or INDEXarg($Database filename required in CREATE(FLOATle (INDEXsin(!Multiple page size specificationsBLO('GROUP BY not allowed in view definitionl()Aggregates not allowed in view definitioneme(NULL(AS: (SELECTen(=(ONip( field nameme( table nameg (user name identifier(GRANTers(OPTION%s(FROM(TO S( ADD or DROP(Dynamic DDL buffer exceedede(TABLEodi(6Database handle %s conflicts with an established name to(%Could not create QLI$PROCEDURES indexrip(Cannot convert from %s to %s(&Cannot convert "%s" to a numeric valueil($function %s not found in database %s(>Incompatible global field %s already exists in target database(#Relation %s is missing or undefined:(!matching language string too longOP ( Functions in database "%s" (%s):(+Functions are not supported in database %s.i(4There are no functions defined in any open database.(1Functions are not supported in any open database.( Function description:e s(*Function %s is not defined in database %s.ew(0Function %s is not defined in any open database.('Function %s (%s) in database "%s" (%s):n("Function %s in database "%s" (%s):me( Function library is %sam( Return argument is ( Argument %ld is (,database file name required on DROP DATABASE(Unlicensed for database "%s"(!Could not drop database file "%s"bli(&Operation unlicensed for database "%s"DU( array("memory pool free list is incorrectnn(block released twice(,released block overlaps following free block((released block overlaps prior free block(CReferences to array fields like %s in relation %s are not supportedg()Filters are not supported in database %s.s):((Filter %s is not defined in database %s.(.Filter %s is not defined in any open database. d(/Filters are not supported in any open database. (2There are no filters defined in any open database.nc( Filter %s in database "%s" (%s):( Filter library is %s( Input sub-type is %ldunc( Output sub-type is %ld:n( Filter description: (Filters in database %s (%s):( Index %s%s%s%s (7simple field reference not allowed in global aggregatese(*prompting not allowed in select field listns(&output pipe is not supported on MPE/XLab(2could not resolve context for aggregate expression"%(!source relation %s does not existree(Messages associated with %s:( message %ld: %s(;Connection to database %s lost Please FINISH the database! (Unable to create form window((Do you want to rollback updates for %s? (*functions are not supported in database %st ('no functions are defined in database %ss((filters are not supported in database %s(&no filters are defined for database %slt(eError during two phase commit on database %s roll back all databases or commit databases individually(Only fields may be subscripted(1"%s" is not a field and so may not be subscriptedunc(8Data type of field %s may not be changed to or from BLOB( qli: ignoring unknown switch -%c(0literal string characters or longer( Variable %sl( Query name: %sn( Edit string: %s(!Variable %s has not been declaredted( Datatype information:olv(input line too longr(input line too longt( number > 0is( (%s)ess($cannot format unsubscripted array %s(/unsuccessful attempt to extend pool beyond 64KB(Hfield width (%ld) * header segments (%ld) greater than 60,000 characters(Relation %s does not existct(FORMs not supportede( Expression index BLR:pp(Invalid argument for UDF(SINGULAR (SELECT * )((JOIN("Field %s in view %s of database %sba)&Field %s in relation %s of database %sll)YES)NOs )Re-enter)Enter%s")'bad kanji found while formatting outputc) Subtopic? of), type for next topic or to stop: )unknown data type %ld-%c )3 reads = !r writes = !w fetches = !f marks = !m ); elapsed = !e cpu = !u system = !s mem = !x buffers = !b: )#%s Based on field %s of relation %se )%s Based on field %s of view %sv Ngdef version %sl!Ngdef: unknown switch %s ("N legal switches are:#N%s%s$N+gdef: Database name is required for extracts%Ngdef: cannot open %s&Ngdef: cannot open %s or %s'N %ld errors during input.(N No errors. %ld)N 1 error during input. *NSave changes before exiting? ion+NCeasing processing because o,N of errors.-Nyou told me to.p.Nmemory exhausted/N%s:%ld: 0Nerror count exceeds limit (%ld)1N.what we have here is a failure to communicate!2NDatabase "%s" already exists sll3NDo you want to replace it? e4N)Database "%s" exists but cannot be opened fo5NCould not create database "%s"6N Version(s) for database "%s"7N Version(s) for database "%s"8NGDEF unlicensedw9NCould not locate databasem :N!error committing metadata changes= !;NCould not release database BN! Version(s) for database "%s" now?NGDEF unlicensed@N5database version is too old to modify: use GBAK firsts rANno database specified efBNaction not implemented yetotCN#error rolling back metadata changesDN!error committing metadata changesdurEN&field %s already exists in relation %sg?FNgds_$database_info failedcauGNNPreceding file did not specify length, so %s must include starting page number: HN&error committing new file declarationsINfunction %s already existscoJN"%s is a view and cannot be indexedexKNtable %s does not existrLN0index %s: field %s does not exist in relation %sMN8index %s: field %s in %s is computed and cannot be a keyNN5combined key length (%ld) for index %s is > 254 bytes%s"ONindex %s already existsPNerror creating index %sQNtable %s already existshRN security class %s already existsSN#Store trigger already exists for %sTN$Modify trigger already exists for %sUN#Erase trigger already exists for %sFVNtable %s does not existrWNtable %s already existsGXN&field %s already exists in relation %sYNEfield %s does not exist in relation %s as referenced in view field %sZNgds_$close_blob failedat[Ngds_$create_blob failedr\N2field %s from relation %s is referenced in view %sle]N&field %s does not exist in relation %sgt^Nfilter %s does not exist_Nfunction %s does not existng`NEfield %s is used in relation %s (local name %s) and cannot be droppediewaNfield %s does not existbNindex %s does not existcN%s referenced by view %sdNcannot drop system relation %sd eNtable %s does not exist fN security class %s does not existgNshadow %ld does not existNhN#error committing deletion of shadowriNTrigger %s does not existalrjN8Trigger message number %ld for trigger %s does not existkN#Type %s for field %s does not existilNHUser privilege %s on field %s in relation %s for user %s does not existmN;User privilege %s on relation %s for user %s does not existnN"field %s is unknown in relation %soN1relation %s is used in trigger %s but not definedpNTOTAL of date not supportedqN,(EXE) make_desc: do not understand node typerNfield %s does not exist sN7Unauthorized attempt to change field %s to or from BLOBttNfield %s does not existcuNindex %s does not existvNrelation %s is not externalcwNtable %s does not existexN6Invalid attempt to assign trigger %s to a new relationexyNTrigger %s does not exist %szN#Type %s for field %s does not exist{Nsymbol %s is too longN|Ngds_$put_segment failede}Ngds_$put_segment failed ~N0(EXE) string_length: No defined length for BLOBSN!GENERATE_blr: dtype not supportedrigN GENERATE_blr: node not supportedNobject cannot be resolvedielNGlobal field %s is not definedleN&field %s does not exist in relation %sdoNfield %s does not existeNfield %s cannot be resolvedeN&field %s is not defined in relation %satNglobal field %s is not defined tNrelation %s is not definedNtrigger %s is not definededNbugcheckNrelation %s is not definedpeNcontext %s is not definedNNCannot resolve field "%s"e fNrelation %s is not definedelNno database declaredNceasing processingN#expected function, encountered "%s"lN#expected function, encountered "%s" N!expected number, encountered "%s"NN%expected table name, encountered "%s"%s N%expected identifier, encountered "%s" isN(expected quoted string, encountered "%s"N!expected symbol, encountered "%s" stN*GDEF processes only one database at a timeNEN:only SECURITY_CLASS, DESCRIPTION, and CACHE can be droppedpoNPAGE_SIZE cannot be modifiedN#data type required for global fieldeN8Security class can appear only on local field referencesN8database version is too old for the new syntax: filters N&expected filter name, encountered "%s"obN$Filter entry point must be specifiedN$Filter module name must be specifiedN:database version is too old for the new syntax: functions noN&Function entry point must be specified fN'Function module name must be specified dN-expected comma or semicolon, encountered "%s"xpeN9database version is too old for the new syntax: ASC/DESC terN9database version is too old for the new syntax: ASC/DESCtedN-expected comma or semicolon, encountered "%s"tifN<expected STORE, MODIFY, ERASE, END_TRIGGER, encountered "%s"Ntable %s already existscN-expected comma or semicolon, encountered "%s"aseN(shadow number must be a positive integerN6database version is too old for the new trigger syntaxdiN0expected STORE, MODIFY, ERASE, encountered "%s" Nmessage number %ld exceeds 255l N6database version is too old for the new syntax: types w N!expected period, encountered "%s"ameN/expected qualified field name, encountered "%s"N!expected period, encountered "%s"iedN*data type cstring not supported for fieldsntN,computed by expression must be parenthesizedNunmatched parenthesismodN=expected FROM, COMPUTED, or qualified field, encountered "%s"untN8database version is too old for the new syntax: filters N9database version is too old for the new syntax: functionsyntN?expected STORE, MODIFY, ERASE, or END_TRIGGER, encountered "%s"fN6database version is too old for the new trigger syntaxd N6database version is too old for the new syntax: types seN&gen_trigger_name: invalid trigger typebeN7System flag value of 1 is reserved for system relations N6database version is too old for the new syntax: GRANT ASNexpected ON, encountered "%s"umbN!GRANT privilege was not specifiedionNexpected TO, encountered "%s" w N expected GRANT, encountered "%s"N!expected OPTION, encountered "%s", eNglobal field %s already existsN<expected STORE, MODIFY, ERASE, END_TRIGGER, encountered "%s"NTrigger %s does not existN,expected global field name, encountered "%s"N*data type cstring not supported for fieldsPUN1 A computed expression cannot be changed or addedaseN8Security class can appear only on local field referencesN9database version is too old for the new syntax: ASC/DESCtedN&expected DESCRIPTION, encountered "%s"erN0A computed expression cannot be changed or addedN'expected field action, encountered "%s" N6database version is too old for the new trigger syntaxliN'expected trigger name, encountered "%s"iN/Unsuccessful attempt to modify trigger relationnNmessage number %ld exceeds 255ASN7expected message modification keyword, encountered "%s" N7database version is too old for the new syntax: types N0A computed expression cannot be changed or addedNAexpected drop/modify of field or security class, encountered "%s"N,expected object for DEFINE, encountered "%s"N,expected object for MODIFY, encountered "%s"N+expected object for DROP, encountered "%s" "N"expected command, encountered "%s"r N6database version is too old for the new syntax: arraydeNarray size must be positiveaN expected comma, encountered "%s"N$expected semicolon, encountered "%s"N*data type cstring not supported for fieldsunN'expected field clause, encountered "%s"tN_expected DESCRIPTION, EDIT_STRING, MISSING VALUE, SECURITY_CLASS or VALID_IF, encountered "%s" N,COMPUTED BY expression must be parenthesizedNunmatched parenthesisN+validation expression must be parenthesizedNsegment length must be positiveN)expected field sub_type, encountered "%s"terN)expected field sub_type, encountered "%s"he Nexpected "[", encountered "%s" eN'character field length must be positiveeNexpected "]", encountered "%s"N5argument mode by value not allowed for this data typexpeN*argument mode is by value, or by referencepeN3return mode must be return_value or return_argumentmN!expected number, encountered "%s"verN:expected comma between group and user ID, encountered "%s"t N+expected trailing bracket, encountered "%s""Nno database declaredN8PAGE_SIZE specified (%ld) longer than limit of %ld bytesN3PAGE_SIZE specified (%d) was rounded up to %d bytesN6Unrecognized privilege "%c" or unrecognized identifierSSN7database version is too old for the new syntax: REVOKEmNexpected ON, encountered "%s" paN"REVOKE privilege was not specifiedmuNexpected FROM, encountered "%s"gN/Attempt change trigger type from STORE to ERASEcN0Attempt change trigger type from MODIFY to STOREN0Attempt change trigger type from MODIFY to ERASEN2Attempt to change trigger type from ERASE to STOREedNvalid ifNmissing value N data typemodOsub typeOsegment_lengthypO$%s is a global, not local, attributeOcomputed fields need data types O*subtypes are valid only for BLOBS and textumO&segment length is valid only for BLOBS bOglobal field %s is not defined"%Oaction not implemented yetkeOaction not implemented yetab Oaction not implemented yetif O*OVER can only be used in CROSS expressionsGE Oabort code cannot exceed 255 o % Oexpected =, encountered "%s" Otoo many decimal pointsiO(unrecognized character in numeric stringO*expected FROM RSE clause, encountered "%s"edO5expected comma or right parenthesis, encountered "%s"xpeO+expected left parenthesis, encountered "%s"tO+expected value expression, encountered "%s"nO,expected right parenthesis, encountered "%s"Oexpected IN, encountered "%s"ASEO.expected relational operator, encountered "%s"TOOexpected OF, encountered "%s"Oaction not implemented yetpeOddl: cannot open %sO Version(s) for database "%s"O***** unable to decompile missing value ***btO5 /* Security Class Definitions / GRANT statements */h iO>**** field %s cannot be extracted, computed source missing ***OO ***gds_$database_info failed***O /* Global Field Definitions */ O /* Filter Definitions */be!O /* Function Definitions */"O /* Relation Definitions */#O/ /* Add Security Classes to Defined Objects */ l$O /* Trigger Definitions */t%O'***** trigger type not understood ****l&O:**** trigger source for trigger %s must be recreated ****s,'O@**** store trigger source for relation %s must be recreated ****(OA**** modify trigger source for relation %s must be recreated ****t p)O@**** erase trigger source for relation %s must be recreated *****O /* View Definitions */+O.**** view definition %s must be recreated ****,O***** ACL not understood *****-Ogds_$open_blob failed.O&***** BLOB option not understood ****na/Ogds_$get_segment failed*0Ogds_$close_blob faileds 1O:database version is too old for the new syntax: generatorse 2O)expected generator name, encountered "%s"O3O fseek failed4Ocould not open scratch file 5Ogds_$put_segment failed*6O unterminated quoted string*7O line too long */8OHSH_remove failedini9O&gdef: cannot open DYN output file: %s fi:Oaction not implemented yet r;O&internal error during DYN pretty printt O gg?O%inappropriate self-reference of field***@O"shadow file must be AUTO or MANUALatAOBLR request size limit exceededBO /* Generator Definitions */n %CO /* Index Definitions */ /*DO9argument mode of a return_argument must be 'by reference'EO/argument mode 'by value' requires a return modeeFO*unexpected end of file, semicolon missing?erGOFunctions cannot return arrays.iHO6symbol %s is too long, truncating it to %ld characterss IOEA node name is not permitted in a shadow, secondary, or log file nameuntJO@A non-Decnet node name is not permitted in an external file nameKO5A node name is not permitted in an external file nameng*LOtable %s already existsMO)Array indexes and size cannot be modified ouNOBModify data type of array %s requires complete field specification dOOTA relation or view may not be defined and then deleted in a single execution of GDEFPO*expected message keyword, encountered "%s"apQO)expected trigger action, encountered "%s"w fRO=expected end_trigger or description keyword, encountered "%s"OSO%Ceasing processing because of errors. /*TOCeasing processing.UOshadow %ld is inactivearVOUDF is limited to 10 parametersWO:Set_generator requires write privilege for RDB$GENERATORS.exXO2key length (%ld) for compound index %s exceeds 202caYO$expected ON or '(', encountered "%s"ZOexpected ')', encountered "%s"s [O$expected ON or '(', encountered "%s"\Oexpected ')', encountered "%s"]O1expected comma or right bracket, encountered "%s"l f^O$expected GENERATOR, encountered "%s"_OUnexpected sort clause`ODYN request size limit exceededaaO1error committing new Write-ahead Log declarationsta bO8a node name is not permitted in a shared cache file namecO%a shared cache file %s already existsn ddO2error committing new shared cache file declarationgeeO#no shared cache file exists to dropdfO.error committing deletion of shared cache filendgO,error in getting Write-ahead Log informationhO"error in reading list of log filesrsiO=use CASCADE option to remove log files before archive is donejO.Only raw devices support partitioned log files$GkO=Raw devices not supported in series of log file specification2calO<Partitions not supported in series of log file specificationmOBCannot modify log file specification. Drop and redefine log filesednO#log partition size too small for %smoO8Total length of the partitioned log %s must be specifiedpO'Minimum log length should be %ld KbytesuqO/Cannot add and drop log file in same statement.orO,Only one log configuration can be specified.sO#minimum of %ld cache pages requireddtO:Overflow log specification required for this configurationuO'expected comma or ')', encountered "%s"avOYESwONOrexOPlease respond with YES or NO.ro1u&data base file name (%s) already given2uinvalid switch %se-a3ugfix version %s4uincompatible switch combinations5ureplay log pathname required6u)number of page buffers for cache requiredd t7unumeric value required8upositive numeric value requiredi9u)number of transactions per sweep required in:u$transaction number or "all" required;u"sync" or "async" required oupassword requiredlog?usubsystem name t@u"wal" requiredorAunumber of seconds requiredrtBu4numeric value between 0 and 32767 inclusive requiredCumust specify type of shutdownd aDu"please retry, specifying an optionEuplausible options are: bFu4 qualifiers show the major option in parenthesisGu$please retry, giving a database nameHuSummary of validation errors comIu2 -activate activate shadow file for database usageJu+ -attach shutdown new database attachmentsiKu, -begin_log begin logging for replay utilityLu -buffers set page buffers coMu' -commit commit transaction pNu -cache shutdown cache managerbOu -disable disable WALPu& -full validate record fragments (-v)Qu -force force database shutdownRu% -housekeeping set sweep interval redSu -ignore ignore checksum errorsTu) -kill kill all unavailable shadow files reUu -list show limbo transactionsVu+ -mend prepare corrupt database for backupWu% -no_update read-only validation (-v)aluXu -online database onlineequYu) -prompt prompt for commit/rollback (-l)Zu -password default password[u* -quit_log quit logging for replay utilityfi\u* -rollback rollback transaction ea]u! -sweep force garbage collectionumm^u -shut shutdown_u0 -two_phase perform automated two-phase recovery`u$ -tran shutdown transaction startupau- -use use full or reserve space for versions rebu -user default user name pacu& -validate validate database structureacdu. -write write synchronously or asynchronouslyrbeu -x set debug onfu" -z print software version number(-gu% Number of record level errors : %lduhu! Number of Blob page errors : %ldrediu! Number of data page errors : %lduju" Number of index page errors : %ldleku$ Number of pointer page errors : %ldlu( Number of transaction page errors : %ldmu% Number of database page errors : %ld(-vnubad block typedaou#internal block exceeds maximum sizerpu corrupt poolquvirtual memory exhaustedru bad pool idusu(Transaction state %d not in valid range.tu(ATTACH_DATABASE: attempted attach of %s,uu failedrvu succeedediowuTransaction %d is in limbo.xu,More limbo transactions than fit. Try againyuUnrecognized info item %dstazu:A commit of transaction %ld will violate two-phase commit.{uEA rollback of transaction %ld is needed to preserve two-phase commit.u|u5Transaction %ld has already been partially committed.}u=A rollback of this transaction will violate two-phase commit.d l~u-Transaction %ld has been partially committed.rs u7A commit is necessary to preserve the two-phase commit.mu2Insufficient information is available to determine pu$a proper action for transaction %ld.u8Transaction %ld: All subtransactions have been prepared.u&Either commit or rollback is possible.louunexpected end of inputu+Commit, rollback, or neither (c, r, or n)? u3Could not reattach to database for transaction %ld..uOriginal path: %sattuEnter a valid path: uAttach unsuccessful.u3failed to reconnect to a transaction in database %ssuTransaction %ld:u Multidatabase transaction:u Host Site: %sranu Transaction %ld uhas been prepared.rouhas been committed.suhas been rolled back. couis not available.on u#is not found, assumed not prepared. u&is not found, assumed to be committed.u Remote Site: %ssu Database Path: %smitu3 Automated recovery would commit this transaction. u5 Automated recovery would rollback this transaction.t.muIWarning: Multidatabase transaction is in inconsistent state for recovery.on u?Transaction %ld was committed, but prior ones were rolled back.eu?Transaction %ld was rolled back, but prior ones were committed.xu$Transaction description item unknownu -mode read_only or read_writelu$"read_only" or "read_write" requiredu$ -sql_dialect set database dialect nu(database SQL dialect must be one of '%s'udialect number requiredar1Cannot SELECT RDB$DB_KEY from a stored procedure. MuskPrecision 10 to 18 changed from DOUBLE PRECISION in SQL dialect 1 to 64-bit scaled integer in SQL dialect 3tNUse of %s expression that returns different results in dialect 1 and dialect 3uADatabase SQL dialect %d does not support reference to %s datatypeommvwRDB dialect %d and client dialect %d conflict with respect to numeric precision %d.cox>WARNING: Numeric literal %s is interpreted as a floating-point ryGvalue in SQL dialect 1, but as an exact numeric value in SQL dialect 3.czKWARNING: NUMERIC and DECIMAL fields with precision 10 or greater are storede{Das approximate floating-point values in SQL dialect 1, but as 64-bit|integers in SQL dialect 3.n }&Ambiguous field name between %s and %snl~>External function should have return position between 1 and %dsq Label %s %s in the current scope/Datatypes %sare not comparable in expression %s 8 ODS version not supported by DYN8unsupported DYN verb8!STORE RDB$FIELD_DIMENSIONS failedd f8unsupported DYN verb8%sto8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE BLOB FILTER failedres8DEFINE GENERATOR failedu8$DEFINE GENERATOR unexpected DYN verb8DEFINE FUNCTION failedup8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE FUNCTION ARGUMENT failedt8STORE RDB$FIELDS failedm8No table specified for index8STORE RDB$INDICES failed8unsupported DYN verb8 PRIMARY KEY column lookup failed82could not find UNIQUE INDEX with specified columnsIC8PRIMARY KEY lookup failedn 183could not find PRIMARY KEY index in specified tablen8STORE RDB$INDICES failed8STORE RDB$FIELDS failed 8 STORE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8STORE RDB$RELATIONS failedal81STORE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed defining a table8unsupported DYN verb8STORE RDB$RELATIONS failedt 8STORE RDB$FIELDS failed8 STORE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE TRIGGER failedS f8unsupported DYN verb8DEFINE TRIGGER MESSAGE faileded 8STORE RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS failede8ERASE RDB$FIELDS failedi8ERASE BLOB FILTER failed8BLOB Filter not foundE F8unsupported DYN verb8#ERASE RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS failed8ERASE RDB$FUNCTIONS failed8Function not foundex8unsupported DYN verb8Ccolumn %s is used in table %s (local name %s) and cannot be dropped8ERASE RDB$FIELDS failed 8ERASE RDB$FIELDS failed8Column not found8ERASE RDB$INDICES failed8Index not founde8ERASE RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS failedd8No segments found for index8No table specified in ERASE RFR80Column %s from table %s is referenced in view %s8 ERASE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8 ERASE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8Column not found for tableRD8ERASE RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS failedI8ERASE RDB$INDICES failed8 ERASE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed8ERASE RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS failed8ERASE RDB$RELATIONS failed8Table not foundT8 ERASE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed8ERASE RDB$FILES failedfa8unsupported DYN verb8!ERASE RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES failed8ERASE RDB$TRIGGERS failedNTS8Trigger not found$FU8 MODIFY RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS failed8unsupported DYN verb8TRIGGER NAME expected in8ERASE TRIGGER MESSAGE failed8Trigger Message not foundLDS8unsupported DYN verb8!ERASE RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES failed8Security class not found8unsupported DYN verb8*SELECT RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grantun8*SELECT RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grantR8)STORE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grantvie81 Specified domain or source column does not exist RD8 Generation of column name failed8Generation of index name failedN8!Generation of trigger name failedICE8MODIFY DATABASE failedTI8MODIFY DATABASE failedRD8MODIFY DATABASE failed8MODIFY RDB$FIELDS failed8MODIFY RDB$FIELDS failed8Domain not found8unsupported DYN verb8MODIFY RDB$INDICESS failedrb8MODIFY RDB$INDICES failedS f8Index column not found8MODIFY RDB$FIELDS failed8!MODIFY RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failedODI8Local column not found8add EXTERNAL FILE not allowedER 8drop EXTERNAL FILE not allowedME8MODIFY RDB$RELATIONS failed 8MODIFY RDB$RELATIONS failed 8Table column not found_C8MODIFY TRIGGER failedity8TRIGGER NAME expectedpor8unsupported DYN verb8MODIFY TRIGGER MESSAGE failed88Create metadata BLOB failede8Write metadata BLOB failed_P8Close metadata BLOB failed8Create metadata BLOB failedd8unsupported DYN verb8-ERASE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke(1)ex 81Access to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke(2)88.ERASE RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke (3)il82Access to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in revoke (4)LD8CREATE VIEW failed$F8) attempt to index BLOB column in INDEX %spor8* attempt to index array column in index %s8key size too big for index %s8no keys for index %s8Unknown columns in index %sL8%STORE RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS failed88"STORE RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS failed8XColumn: %s not defined as NOT NULL - cannot be used in PRIMARY KEY constraint definition8=A column name is repeated in the definition of constraint: %sity8"Integrity Constraint lookup failedsu8cSame set of columns cannot be used in more than one PRIMARY KEY and/or UNIQUE constraint definitione8 STORE RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS failed9'No table specified in delete_constrainti9%ERASE RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS failed RD9CONSTRAINT %s does not exist.ex 9$Generation of constraint name failed9Table %s already existsD9GNumber of referencing columns do not equal number of referenced columnsa9STORE RDB$PROCEDURES failedV9Procedure %s already existse9%STORE RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS failedto 9!Store into system table %s failedey 9%ERASE RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS failed 9ERASE RDB$PROCEDURES failed 9Procedure %s not found 9MODIFY RDB$PROCEDURES failed9DEFINE EXCEPTION failed_9ERASE EXCEPTION failedlu9Exception not foundU9MODIFY EXCEPTION failedK9&Parameter %s in procedure %s not foundis9Trigger %s not found9 Shared cache file already exists9Shared cache file not founde9STORE RDB$FILES failed i9Write-ahead Log already existsQU9Write-ahead Log not foundTOR9ERASE RDB$LOG_FILES failed9STORE RDB$LOG_FILES failedra9Write-ahead Log lookup failedAIN9Shared cache lookup faileddo9DEFINE SHADOW failed9MODIFY DATABASE faileded9%Name longer than database column sizer o 9*"Only one constraint allowed for a domain"en"9!Looking up column position failedfai#9EA node name is not permitted in a table with external file definitionS f$9Shadow lookup failed%9Shadow %ld already exists&9ACannot add file with the same name as the database or added files'9>no grant option for privilege %s on column %s of table/view %sAS(9Cno grant option for privilege %s on column %s of base table/view %si)9Ano grant option for privilege %s on table/view %s (for column %s)t f*9Fno grant option for privilege %s on base table/view %s (for column %s)de+9Bno %s privilege with grant option on table/view %s (for column %s),9Gno %s privilege with grant option on base table/view %s (for column %s)R-91no grant option for privilege %s on table/view %sile.92no %s privilege with grant option on table/view %sDO/9table/view %s does not exist09)column %s does not exist in table/view %sr o19Can not alter a view291EXTERNAL FILE table not supported in this contextn f39/attempt to index COMPUTED BY column in INDEX %s 49Table Name lookup failed59attempt to index a view69$SELECT RDB$RELATIONS failed in grant79*SELECT RDB$RELATION_FIELDS failed in grantda893SELECT RDB$RELATIONS/RDB$OWNER_NAME failed in grantg99*SELECT RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES failed in grantnt:9ASELECT RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS/RDB$RELATION_FIELDS/... failed in grantant;91column %s from table %s is referenced in index %st f<9SQL role %s does not existeg=90user %s has no grant admin option on SQL role %s>9&user %s is not a member of SQL role %s (?9"%s is not the owner of SQL role %sth@9%s is a SQL role and not a userrA9+user name %s could not be used for SQL rolesB9SQL role %s already existsprC9-keyword %s can not be used as a SQL role nameablD9tSQL roles are not supported in on older versions of the database. A backup and restore of the database is required.L9GCannot rename domain %s to %s. A domain with that name already exists.lM9SCannot rename column %s to %s. A column with that name already exists in table %s.EN9+Column %s from table %s is referenced in %sO9dCannot change datatype for column %s. Changing datatype is not supported for BLOB or ARRAY columns.P9@New size specified for column %s must be at least %d characters.Q9TCannot change datatype for %s. Conversion from base type %s to %s is not supported.R9SCannot change datatype for column %s from a character type to a non-character type.tS93unable to allocate memory from the operating system T9'Zero length identifiers are not allowedSU9ERASE RDB$GENERATORS failedeV9Generator not foundrThis is a modified text messagesThis is a test messageis*could not locate appropriate error messagelefound unknown switchpage size parameter missings9Page size specified (%ld) greater than limit (8192 bytes)ed.-redirect location for output is not specified th'conflicting switches for backup/restoreodevice type %s not knownprotection is not there yetE.page size is allowed only on restore or create*multiple sources or destinations specifiedng(requires both input and output filenames1input and output have the same name. Disallowed.at $expected page size, encountered "%s"6REPLACE specified, but the first file %s is a databaseor=database %s already exists. To replace it, use the -R switche tdevice type not specifiednab,cannot create APOLLO tape descriptor file %s2cannot set APOLLO tape descriptor attribute for %sRD1cannot create APOLLO cartridge descriptor file %shis+cannot close APOLLO tape descriptor file %smgds_$blob_info failedate$do not understand BLOB INFO item %ldgds_$get_segment failedagds_$close_blob failedizgds_$open_blob failedn lFailed in put_blr_gen_iddata type %ld not understoodgds_$compile_request failedsgds_$start_request failede t gds_$receive failedgds_$release_request failede gds_$database_info failed$Expected database description recordfailed to create database %s#RESTORE: decompression length errortcannot find table %sCannot find column for BLOB gds_$create_blob failed gds_$put_segment failedsexpected record lengthse1wrong length record, expected %ld encountered %ldexpected data attributebFailed in store_blr_gen_idde do not recognize record type %ld.Expected backup version 1, 2, or 3. Found %ldat"expected backup description recordstring truncated( warning -- record could not be restoredgds_$send failedno table name for data%unexpected end of file on backup filee_b,database format %ld is too old to restore to(array dimension for column %s is invalid7expected array version number %ld but instead found %lda2expected array dimension %ld but instead found %lds_Expected XDR record length)Unexpected I/O error while %s backup file$adding file %s, starting at page %ldarrayn lbackup/ %sB(ACKUP_DATABASE) backup database to fileB backup file is compressed D %sD(EVICE) backup file device type on APOLLO (CT or MT), %sM(ETA_DATA) backup metadata onlyblobcannot open backup file %sst+cannot open status and error output file %se'closing file, committing, and finishing  committing metadataccommit failed on table %stricommitting secondary filescocreating index %scommitting data for table %s 8 %sC(REATE_DATABASE) create database from backup file (created database %s, page_size %ld bytes creating file %s creating indexes )database %s has a page size of %ld bytes. in9 %sI(NACTIVE) deactivate indexes during restorefou$do not understand BLOB INFO item %ld/do not recognize %s attribute %ld -- continuing,error accessing BLOB column %s -- continuing'Exiting before completion due to errors)'Exiting before completion due to errorslcolumnd file file length filtervi"finishing, closing, and going homeTAfunctionfunction argumentgbak version %s domainstindext otrigger %s is invalidilelegal switches are:o >length given for initial file (%ld) is less than minimum (%ld) f!+ %sE(XPAND) no data compressionl"4 %sL(IMBO) ignore transactions in limbo#3 %sO(NE_AT_A_TIME) restore one table at a timem$opened file %sea%2 %sP(AGE_SIZE) override default page size%s& page sizeind'7page size specified (%ld bytes) rounded up to %ld bytes(, %sZ print version number) privilegeo n* %ld records ignored+ %ld records restored,%ld records written -? %sY redirect/suppress status message outputo.;Reducing the database page size from %ld bytes to %ld bytest/tablempl09 %sR(EPLACE_DATABASE) replace database from backup fileth 10 %sV(ERIFY) report each action taken2%restore failed for record in table %s3 restoring column %s4 restoring file %s5 restoring filter %s6restoring function %seng7& restoring argument for function %sin8# restoring gen id value of: %ld 9restoring domain %s: restoring index %s t;# restoring privilege for user %sM<restoring data for table %sm=restoring security class %sP> restoring trigger %s?$ restoring trigger message for %s@# restoring type %s for column %stAstarted transaction Bstarting transactionCsecurity classegD=switches can be abbreviated to the unparenthesized charactersE*transportable backup -- data in XDR format FtriggertGtrigger messageeH trigger typeIunknown switch "%s" J&validation error on column in table %sK Version(s) for database "%s"LviewM$ writing argument for function %sN writing data for table %sre O writing gen id of: %ldP writing column %sQ writing filter %sRwriting filtersS writing function %sgTwriting functionsumeU writing domain %s Vwriting domains W writing index %sX! writing privilege for user %sY writing table %sZwriting tablesst[ writing security class %srin\ writing trigger %s ]" writing trigger message for %str^writing trigger messages_writing triggers`! writing type %s for column %sa writing typesbwriting shadow filesc writing shadow file %sdwriting id generators-- e" writing generator %s value %ldfreadied database %s for backupgrestoring table %shtypeigbak: luj committing metadata for table %sk' error committing metadata for table %s l8 %sK(ILL) restore without creating shadowsmcannot commit index %s: ncannot commit filesgoB %sT(RANSPORTABLE) transportable backup -- data in XDR formatp:closing file, committing, and finishing. %ld bytes writtenitq2 %sG(ARBAGE_COLLECT) inhibit garbage collectiong r, %sIG(NORE) ignore bad checksumss2 column %s used in index %s seems to have vanishedt@index %s omitted because %ld of the expected %ld keys were foundu' %sFA(CTOR) blocking factortv!blocking factor parameter missingersw*expected blocking factor, encountered "%s"x?a blocking factor may not be used in conjunction with device CTy!restoring generator %s value: %ld z< %sOL(D_DESCRIPTIONS) save old style metadata descriptions{C %sN(O_VALIDITY) do not restore database validity conditionsi|user name parameter missingr}password parameter missings ~) %sPAS(SWORD) Firebird passwordrea* %sUSER Firebird user namewriting stored proceduresRANwriting stored procedure %sp)writing parameter %s for stored proceduremitrestoring stored procedure %snit+restoring parameter %s for stored procedurelwriting exceptions) writing exception %srestoring exception %s i8 missing parameter for the number of bytes to be skipped8expected number of bytes to be skipped, encountered "%s"9adjusting an invalid decompression length from %ld to %lders3skipped %ld bytes after reading a bad attribute %ldC %sS(KIP_BAD_DATA) skip number of bytes after reading bad dataMskipped %ld bytes looking for next valid attribute, encountered attribute %ldstywriting table constraints%sNwriting constraint %ssto"Bad attribute for table constrainterwriting referential constraintsdwriting check constraintsS(Swriting Character Setsorwriting Collations $Bad attribute for RDB$CHARACTER_SETSWriting character set %s Bad attribute for RDB$COLLATIONSWriting collation %s3Unexpected I/O error while reading from backup filet1Unexpected I/O error while writing to backup filexce Could not open file name "%s"  Could not write to file "%s" s Could not read from file "%s" Done with volume #%d, "%s" d Press return to reopen that file, or type a new name followed by return to open a different file. 'Type a file name to open and hit returnt Name:  ERROR: Backup incomplete m(Expected backup start time %s, found %s &Expected backup database %s, found %s id+Expected volume number %d, found volume %d t5could not drop database %s (database might be in use)$Skipped bad security class entry: %s%Unknown V3 SUB_TYPE: %s in FIELD: %s.ng EConverted V3 sub_type: %d to character_set_id: %d and collate_id: %d.s BConverted V3 scale: %d to character_set_id: %d and callate_id: %d.%sSystem memory exhaustedO< %sNT Non-Transportable backup file format&Index "%s" failed to activate because: I1 The unique index has duplicate values or NULLs.ot E Delete or Update duplicate values or NULLs, and activate index withot  ALTER INDEX "%s" ACTIVE;it= Not enough disk space to create the sort file for an index.e av Set the TMP environment variable to a directory on a filesystem that does have enough space, and activate index withFDatabase is not online due to failure to activate one or more indices.ARun gfix -online to bring database online without active indices.umbwriting SQL roleswriting sql role: %s%Bad attributes for restoring SQL roleed restoring SQL role: %s0 %sRO(LE) Firebird SQL roleSQL role parameter missing_s> %sCO(NVERT) backup external files as tablesacgbak: WARNING: a gbak: ERROR: yst5 %sBU(FFERS) override page buffers defaultporpage buffers parameter missing"%'expected page buffers, encountered "%s"n1page buffers is allowed only on restore or createeteStarting with volume #%d, "%s"an:size specification either missing or incorrect for file %sfile %s out of sequencet&can't join -- one of the files missingth: standard input is not supported when using join operations ;standard output is not supported when using split operation backup file %s might be corrupt#database file specification missingo&can't write a header record to file %sg free disk space exhaustedole6file size given (%d) is less than minimum allowed (%d)stgWarning -- free disk space exhausted for file %s, the rest of the bytes (%d) will be written to file %ssservice name parameter missing bWCannot restore over current database, must be SYSDBA or owner of the existing database.F@ %sUSE_(ALL_SPACE) do not reserve space for record versions3 %sSE(RVICE) use services manager: %sMO(DE) "read_only" or "read_write" accessar$"read_only" or "read_write" required$setting database to read-only access%just data ignore all constraints etc.Nrestoring data only ignoring foreign key, unique, not null & other constraintsus9closing file, committing, and finishing. %s bytes written usFirebird error Rollback not performed rConnection error Connection not established !Connection authorization failure.rd ' deadlock (*Unsuccessful execution caused by deadlock.n )-record from transaction %ld is stuck in limbong +operation completed with errorss.$the SQL statement cannot be executed09Unsuccessful execution caused by an unavailable resource.t r2lUnsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements3rUnsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not preclude successful execution of subsequent statementsOnly simple column names permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION UAn error was found in the application program input parameters for the SQL statement.aggtInvalid insert or update value(s): object columns are constrained - no 2 table rows can have duplicate column values5Arithmetic overflow or division by zero has occurred.le #cannot access column %s in view %s a3Too many concurrent executions of the same request (maximum indexes per table (%d) exceeded (new record size of %ld bytes is too big ,segments not allowed in expression index %s wrong page type  invalid ARRAY or BLOB operation %s extension error u ;key size exceeds implementation restriction for index "%s" !definition error for index %s CH$cannot create index ;.duplicate specification of %s - not supported WGNThe insert failed because a column definition includes validation constraints. VN2Cannot delete object referenced by another object O2Cannot modify object referenced by another object t P'Object is referenced by another object aQ%lock on conflicts with existing lock arY0This operation is not defined for system tables.['Inappropriate self-reference of column \Illegal array dimension range a_database or file exists `)sort error: corruption in data structure queanode not supported b)Shadow number must be a positive integer f %cOPreceding file did not specify length, so %s must include starting page number ad.illegal operation when at beginning of stream e#the current position is on a crack sOcannot modify an existing user privilege Suser does not have the privilege to perform operation KThis user does not have privilege to perform this operation on this object.(transaction marked invalid by I/O error 2Cannot prepare a CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA statement (violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "%s"IThe prepare statement identifies a prepare statement with an open cursor ictUnknown statement or request&Attempt to update non-updatable cursorT The cursor identified in the update or delete statement is not positioned on a row.Unknown cursors ;The cursor identified in an OPEN statement is already open.t@The cursor identified in a FETCH or CLOSE statement is not open..Overflow occurred during data type conversion.ud!null segment of UNIQUE KEYle"subscript out of bounds &data operation not supported'.invalid comparison operator for find operationus~5Cannot transliterate character between character setsser3count of column list and variable list do not match +Incompatible column/host variable data type 8Operation violates CHECK constraint %s on view or table Finternal gds software consistency check (invalid RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE) 6Cannot update constraints (RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS). ep=Cannot delete CHECK constraint entry (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS) 3Cannot update constraints (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS). o1Cannot update constraints (RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS). up9Column used in a PRIMARY KEY constraint must be NOT NULL.wn .index %s cannot be used in the specified plan me9table %s is referenced in the plan but not the from list LOS?the table %s is referenced twice; use aliases to differentiate e#table %s is not referenced in plan e'Log file specification partition error eCache or Log redefined a9Write-ahead Log with shadowing configuration not allowed ite8Overflow log specification required for round-robin log 1WAL defined; Cache Manager must be started first col?Write-ahead Log without shared cache configuration not allowed ,Cannot start WAL writer for the database %s 5WAL writer synchronization error for the database %s +WAL setup error. Please see Firebird log. S;WAL buffers cannot be increased. Please see Firebird log. _KWAL writer - Journal server communication error. Please see Firebird log. )WAL I/O error. Please see Firebird log. up.Unable to roll over; please see Firebird log. e 1Could not expand the WAL segment for database %s ied/Database %s: WAL subsystem bug for pid %d\\n%s nWAL subsystem corrupted  WAL subsystem encountered error &database does not use Write-ahead Log fe)Cannot roll over to the next log file %s rti&Invalid WAL parameter block option %s AIllegal attempt to attach to an uninitialized WAL segment for %s verCache or Log size too small 9Log record header too small at offset %ld in log file %s d f3Incomplete log record at offset %ld in log file %s u,Unexpected end of log file %s at offset %ld .Database name in the log file %s is different CLog file %s not closed properly; database recovery may be required n<Log file %s not latest in the chain but open flag still set Invalid version of log file %s e Log file header of %s too small WAL Writer error og.table %s is not defined invalid ORDER BY clause *Column does not belong to referenced table%s$column %s is not defined in table %sUndefined nameAmbiguous column reference. function %s is not defined $Invalid data type, length, or value Invalid number of arguments *dbkey not available for multi-table views ti-number of columns does not match select list tia4must specify column name for view select expression 3%s is not a valid base table of the specified view g!WThis column cannot be updated because it is derived from an SQL function or expression."rThe object of the insert, delete or update statement is a view for which the requested operation is not permitted.t OInvalid StringP Invalid tokenf lQInvalid numeric literalac>An error occurred while trying to update the security databaset dnon-SQL security class definede D#VRow not found for fetch, update or delete, or the result of a query is an empty table.%sE#+segment buffer length shorter than expectedf $Datatype needs modificationdD%&Duplicate column or domain name found.vaJinvalid block type encountereds Jwrong packet typele Jcannot map pageiJ&request to allocate invalid block typet J7request to allocate block type larger than maximum sizesJ memory pool free list is invalidJinvalid pool id encounteredsJattempt to release free blockis J9attempt to release block overlapping following free blocket J5attempt to release block overlapping prior free blockJ*cannot sort on a field that does not exist sJdatabase file not availableqJcannot assert logical lockt Jwrong ACL versionJshadow block not foundvaJ%shadow lock not synchronized properly whJ$root file name not listed for shadowJ'failed to remove symbol from hash tableJcannot find tip pageJinvalid rsb typeJinvalid SEND requestJ"looper: action not yet implementedteJreturn data type not supported mJ$unexpected reply from journal serverJ&journal server is incompatible versionouJ!journal server refused connectionJ&referenced index description not foundvaJindex key too bigequJ#partner index description not foundmJbad difference recordreeJ*applied differences will not fit in recorddsJrecord length inconsistentocJdecompression overran bufferJ/cannot reposition for update after sort for RMSrJ$external access type not implementedJdifferences record too long Jwrong record lengthaJlimbo impossibleJwrong record versionJrecord disappearedveJcannot delete system tablesuJcannot update erased recordnJ1comparison not supported for specified data typesdowJ1conversion not supported for specified data typesannJconversion errorJoverflow during conversionNDJnull or invalid arrayn nJBLOB not foundJcannot update old BLOBrtJrelation for array not knownJfield for array not knownr iJ!array subscript computation errorervJexpected field nodeJinvalid BLOB IDsJcannot find BLOB pagendeJunknown data typeartJ&shadow block not found for extend fileffJindex inconsistentplJindex bucket overfilled Jexceeded index levelJpage already in useoJpage not accessed for writenJ$attempt to release page not acquiredJpage in use during flushJ:attempt to remove page from dirty page list when not thereJCCH_precedence: block markedJinsufficient cache sizepJ$no cache buffers available for reuseJ.page %ld, page type %ld lock conversion denied nJ#page %ld, page type %ld lock deniedJbuffer marked for updateJCCH: %s, status = %d (218)nvJrequest of unknown resource Jrelease of unknown resource J(CMP) copy: cannot remapJbad BLR -- invalid streamJJ-argument of scalar operation must be an arrayay J"quad word arithmetic not supportedatJ&data type not supported for arithmeticJrequest size limit exceeded J!cannot access field %s in view %sJJcannot access field in view %sfiJ EVL_assign_to: invalid operationJEVL_bitmap: invalid operationdedJEVL_boolean: invalid operationeoJEVL_expt: invalid operationnJ#eval_statistical: invalid operationdJ-Unimplemented conversion, FAO directive O,Z,SJ+Unimplemented conversion, FAO directive X,U J Error parsing RDB FAO msg stringJError parsing RDB FAO msg stre sJ&unknown parameter in RdB status vectorseJ#Firebird status vector inconsistentsJ,Firebird/RdB message parameter inconsistencyJ$error parsing RDB FAO message stringJunimplemented FAO directiveJ&missing pointer page in DPM_data_pages uJFragment does not existoJ&pointer page disappeared in DPM_deleteeaJ*pointer page lost from DPM_delete_relationn J missing pointer page in DPM_dumpJcannot find record fragmentuJ#pointer page vanished from DPM_nexteJtemporary page buffer too smalliJdamaged data pageJheader fragment length changedJ*pointer page vanished from extend_relation: J8pointer page vanished from relation list in locate_spaceJcannot find free spacennJ$pointer page vanished from mark_fullJbad record in RDB$PAGESnJpage slot not emptyJbad pointer pageJindex unexpectedly deletedJ3scalar operator used on field which is not an arrayAJactiveJ committedeteJ rolled backtJin an ill-defined statetJ6next transaction older than oldest active transaction stJ.next transaction older than oldest transactionJ!buffer marked during cache unwindng J%error in recovery! database corruptedentJ)error in recovery! wrong data page recordin J(error in recovery! no space on data pageK+error in recovery! wrong header page record_K.error in recovery! wrong generator page recordr K+error in recovery! wrong b-tree page recordbK3error in recovery! wrong page inventory page recordfK,error in recovery! wrong pointer page recordK/error in recovery! wrong index root page recordrK0error in recovery! wrong transaction page recordK9error in recovery! out of sequence log record encounteredecoK$error in recovery! unknown page type K&error in recovery! unknown record typeed K<journal server cannot archive to specified archive directory K7checksum error in log record when reading from log file K$cannot restore singleton select data K'lock not found in internal lock managertKsize of opt block exceededn KToo many savepointsK"garbage collect record disappearedKUnknown BLOB FILTER ACTION_eKerror during savepoint backoutatKcannot find record back versionrKIllegal user_type.Kbad ACLcKinconsistent LATCH_mark releaseKinconsistent LATCH_mark callK!inconsistent latch downgrade callongKbdb is unexpectedly markedinKmissing exclusive latch K2exceeded maximum number of shared latches on a bdbreKcan't find shared latchwK/Non-zero use_count of a buffer in the empty quewK$Unexpected page change from latchingK!Invalid expression for evaluation K5RDB$FLAGS for trigger %s in RDB$TRIGGERS is corruptedal qgjrn:: rq%exiting journal utility due to errorshecqJournal utility version: %snqEgjrn [-z] [-debug] [-verbose] [] []fouqreading online dump parameterszeq*enter file size or to end input: sq*enter file name or to end input: qN : -enable | -disable | -online_dump | -server | -console | -restored q -j q -a q& -i -run utility in interactive mode q -u q)database file name (%s) already specified q$please retry, giving a database nameq0please retry, specifying correct journal utilityq3please retry, specifying journal database directoryq/online dump file size must be greater than zeroqno log files for recoveryingq8time stamp required with -u (e.g., "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss")q3invalid time stamp on -u (use "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss")eqlog file for recovery: %sng q applying clumps to data page %ldq"applying clumps to header page %ld-zq"applying clumps to gen-id page %ld] q"applying clumps to b-tree page %ld dq"b-tree add node. before offset %ld <q)b-tree add node. offset: %ld length: %ldr <qvalid b-tree btr_length: %ldq%b-tree add segment before length: %ld-seq-b-tree add segment. expected after length %ldectqb-tree drop node. offset %ldq*applying clumps to page inventory page %ld q#applying clumps to pointer page %ldl!q&applying clumps to index root page %ld r"qapplying clumps to tip page %lda#q$database "%.*s" (%ld) disabled at %s$qlog file for recovery: %sjou%q"start processing online dump filesp &q end processing online dump files'qstart processing log files(qend processing log files)q+full page record (page = %ld) - not applied*q'full page record (page = %ld) - appliedy+q-clumplet records for page (%ld) - not applied,q)clumplet records for page (%ld) - appliedclu-q7start online dump record. file seqno (%ld) offset (%ld)%.q5end online dump record. file seqno (%ld) offset (%ld)e a/qunknown log record type: %ld0qlseek failed in write pageth1qwrite() failed in writing pageh:2qno space on header pageb3q.invalid online dump record in journal databaseed4q!failure in online dump processingode5qno online dump file specifiedo p6qerror in processing log filesing7q$wrong clump type for data page (%ld)8q!no space for segment in data pageppl9qinvalid line offseta:q wrong clump type for header page;qwrong clump type generator pageuq wrong clump type for b-tree page?q(wrong clump type for page inventory page@q!wrong clump type for pointer pageAq wrong clump type index root pageBq/wrong clump type for transaction inventory pagepCq0compress: temporary buffer is too small for pageDqwrong use count for bufferrdEqinvalid clump type(%Fqms_$mapl -- wrong length mapGq/invalid secondary database file sequence numberoHqinvalid clumplet recorddIqno buffers availableJqerror in file seekh:Kq r pLq dMq -s daNq n oOq Pq ecQq ssRq -f Sq -s Tq"do you want to change this? (y/n):n Uqenter new value: id Vqapplying clumps to log page %ldrWq transaction commit at: %speXqcontinue? (y/n)?:-trYqOnline dump file nameqZqSecondary file namen[qenter journal directory name:b-t\qrecover database (%s)? (y/n)]qName of recovered databasecl^qDump id for recovery_qConsole disconnected`qProcess disconnectclaqJournaling disabledvbqShutdown requestedsscqProcess sign_offdqProcess sign_oneqJournaling enabledrdfqJournal server startedgqJournal server shutdownphq7 Number of archives running concurrently exceeds limit.iq&Failure before forking back up processiljqForking backup process failedkq$Archiving log file. id: %ld name: %slqRelease connection failed.mqError on writing disable recordpnqChild process completednoqError occurred during "%s"sspq Commands are:me>qqJournal utility version %s yrqDrop records for database "%s"sq"Set delete flag for database "%s".s tqDo not understand command "%s"omuq&Control Point. Seqno: %ld Offset: %ldvqError is updating delete flag.arwq2Error in writing record to online_dump_files tablexq*Online Dump file. dump id: %ld. name: (%s)reyq$Error in modifying online_dump tablezqEnd Online Dump. dump id: %ldroc{q$Do not recognize journal message %ld|q#Error in storing online dump record }qStart Online Dump. dump_id: %ld~q%Error in storing journal files recordartqOpen log file: (%s)sqClose log file: (%s)q#Error in modify journal files tableq Journal Server Status. qJournaling Enabled for: q# %s (db id = %ld), connections: %ldoq' No Databases with journaling enabled. iq#Error in modify for databases tableeq"Error in store for databases tableqJournal not properly closedq Resetting database "%s" (%ld)ilq)Failure in modifying journal files record "%qDOS error code %ldg q'out of sequence log record encountered.oq%Error in opening output message file. Oq -m inq3Database "%s" not enabled with this journal server.uq/:Error while erasing records for database "%s". qRemoving file "%s".nqConsole connected.q Error in unlink() for file "%s".q=Must recover to a point in time after the end of online dump.onlq/Encountered records for files not yet archived.q,Ensure files are archived for full recovery.q$Reset delete flag for database "%s".q'Error in attaching to journal database.aq:Error in attaching to recovered database. Retry recovery.: q Log file name%ldqRebuild Statistics.q Bytes processed = %ldenq Bytes applied = %ldq Elapsed time = %ld seconds.q8Mark database "%s" as disabled for long-term journaling.q3Database "%s" not enabled with this journal server. q(Database (id = %ld) is currently in use.q%Drop records for database (id = %ld).ecoq %s: disable database inq* %s: drop all files for an active databaseutq+ %s: drop all files for non active databaseiq! %s: exit journal console programileq %s: display help menu"%q# %s: reset delete flag for databaseq! %s: set delete flag for databaseqq %s: shut down journal serverfteq% %s: display status of journal servered q$ %s: display software version numberq Dos error %ldiveq Dos error %sq*Do not understand mailbox message type %ldq %s (%s/%s) tq9Database (id = %ld) not enabled with this journal server.aseq- Log archive complete. File "%s" (id = %ld).ebuq$Error in archiving file. (id = %ld).q#Secondary File: %s. Sequence: %ld.aqCommit transaction %ld.q9Processing records for page %ld. seqno %ld. offset %ld.ataq!Allocate slot %ld of pip page %ldervqFree slot %ld of pip page %ldrreq&Database not found in journal database(iq;Only one journal server can be active per journal database.iqBOnline dump specified does not belong to database being recovered.abqreading log file namescoq%Enter full name of original database:u"%q'Recovering database "%s" page size %ld.qProcessing online dump file %s.sq4Overwrite database (%s) last log seqno (%ld)? (y/n):qDatabase exists or in use.q-Error in modifying relation partial_rebuilds.rroq#Target database name not specified.uq, -a -activate partially recovered databaseq) -p thiq&Invalid database for partial recovery.etq+Error in creating or opening database file.iq)Starting partial rebuild for database %s.Seqq+Continuing partial rebuild for database %s.qNext tip page %ld allocated.q@Next transaction %ld. Oldest active %ld. Oldest Interesting %ld.q%Generator offset %ld. New value %ld.ataq5Index root split. For index (%ld) new root page %ld.serqAnalysis of log records. abaq, Record Type Number of records Total bytes q %s %ld %ldq+Skipping online dumps files during a trace.eq/Error in updating log_transfer_status relation.dqWindows NT error %ldqWindows NT error %suq1Journal server required for recovery to complete.o (q8Checksum error in log record when reading from log file.qJournal server console programroq"unexpected end of file from server.uqCannot open mailbox %sllqenter journal option: -pqenter database name:qenter backup directory name:qJournal server version %srroq!could not open journal file "%s"-qqJournal file "%s" openedq9Optional close argument is a journal file sequence numbers.q/Journal file sequence number %ld does not existcq[unsupported journal sub-system version (expected %d, encountered %d) -- connection rejectedaqno output fileitqJournaling suspendedqcurrent output file: %s qOutput files queued:q Known databases and connections:q5Error in creating or opening secondary database file.g aq/Error in closing database files. Retry recover.eq Error in reading page from disk.q3Archive process unable to attach to journal server. q(Archive process unable to open log file.q.Archive process unable to create archive file.urq9Archive process unable to close log and/or archive files.ervq! %s: restart archive for databaseq"Restart archiving for database %s.baStatement failed, SQLCODE = %d nKisql [] [-e] [-t ] [-i ] [-o ]Unknown switch: %sop4Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a databaseUnable to open %sal !Commit current transaction (y/n)?q Committing.rRolling back work.peCommand error: %s-- 3Enter data or NULL for each column. RETURN to end.iISQL Version: %su [-x|-a] [-d ] [-u ] [-p ] [-page ] [-n] [-m] [-q] [-s ]sec$Number of DB pages allocated = %ld Sweep interval = %ld ovNumber of wal buffers = %ld Wal buffer size = %ld t Check point length = %ld !Check point interval = %ld "Wal group commit wait = %ld cr#Base level = %ld $Transaction in limbo = %ld %Frontend commands:&6BLOBVIEW -- view BLOB in text editorin'1BLOBDUMP -- dump BLOB to a filed n(>EDIT [] -- edit SQL script file and execute -- take input from the named SQL file*8OUTput [] -- write output to named file+KSHELL -- execute Operating System command in sub-shelle,/HELP -- display this menuf- Set commands:RN .9 SET -- display current SET optionsdb>/A SET AUTOddl -- toggle autocommit of DDL statementss <0A SET BLOB [ALL|] -- display BLOBS of subtype or ALL1B SET COUNT -- toggle count of selected rows on/off28 SET ECHO -- toggle command echo on/off3F SET STATs -- toggle display of performance statisticson4@ SET TERM -- change statement terminator string58SHOW [] -- display system information6O = CHECK, DATABASE, DOMAIN, EXCEPTION, FILTER, FUNCTION, GENERATOR,u75EXIT -- exit and commit changes88QUIT -- exit and roll back changes96All commands may be abbreviated to letters in CAPitalsma:5 SET SCHema/DB -- changes current database th;Yes<KCurrent memory = !c Delta memory = !d Max memory = !x Elapsed time= !e sec n=>Cpu = !u sec Buffers = !b Reads = !r Writes = !w Fetches = !f te>:BLOB display set to subtype %ld. This BLOB: subtype = %ld ty?*BLOB: %s, type 'edit' or filename to load>wa@Enter %s as M/D/Y>A Enter %s>OUNB Bad date %s CCON> seDC SET LIST -- toggle column or table display formathE %s not foundFBErrors occurred (possibly duplicate domains) in creating %s in %s G2Server version too old to support the isql commandstHRecords affected: %ld [ [] -- set/unset print width to for column TKA SET PLAN -- toggle display of query access planLJ SET TIME -- toggle display of timestamp with DATE valuese MEEDIT -- edit current command buffer and executees N5OUTput -- return output to stdouteltO? SET NAMES -- set name of runtime character setcPI GRANT, INDEX, PROCEDURE, ROLE, SQL DIALECT, SYSTEM, TABLE,ubtQ3 SET BLOB -- turn off BLOB displayR>SET